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How can I save energy at home?

Our home energy bills are likely what a lot of the money we spend on our home goes towards! So, it’s very much worth our while to look at how we can save energy at home, to bring down those bills for heating, electricity, water, gas, and so on. The quickest and easiest way to save on your energy and water bills is to reduce your consumption of energy and water in general. But, you could also consider improving insulation in your home to increase your energy efficiency and purchasing devices for your home that have higher energy efficiency.

Why is it important to save energy in your home?

Nowadays, energy saving is central to modern society given the pressing issue of climate change. Saving energy by reducing our consumption helps us to protect the environment, as well as to reduce our energy and water bills. Reducing the amount of electricity, heating, water, gas and so on that we use can bring in savings on our home bills, while saving the planet - a win win!

Saving money by saving on your energy consumption

Every home is affected by energy bills on a daily basis, as your consumption of electricity, water, heating, etc. is tracked hourly or daily. You’re likely to have seen your home energy bills increase over the last few years as the price of energy - and especially of electricity - goes up.

Our energy bills are an important part of daily reality, so it’s key for all members of the home to think about saving on their energy consumption to reduce those bills. Of course, how high your bills are can depend on your home energy supplier. Some energy providers will offer more competitive rates for electricity, water, heating, and so on, but the most significant reduction in your bills will come from reducing your average energy consumption, no matter which energy provider you link your home to.

You might want to invest in changing certain aspects of your home in order to boost your savings on average energy consumption. For example, you could improve your home insulation to increase your heating energy efficiency. Or, you could invest in a more energy efficient boiler to reduce your energy consumption. With this approach, the initial bills will be counteracted by the subsequent energy savings.

Saving the planet by saving on your energy consumption

It’s clear that our energy consumption - and in particular our consumption of fossil fuels for home heating, hot water and electricity provision - has meant the planet needs saving.

More frequent natural disasters and rising temperatures worldwide mean it’s vital we all consider and reduce our home energy consumption.

Of course, fossil fuel resources are also running out, as they’re non-renewable sources of energy. So, that’s another contributing factor to saving energy: we need to limit our use of fossil fuels both for saving the plant, and to prolong the resources we do still have.

How can I start saving energy in my home?

It’s clear to see that saving energy only brings us positives: saving money on our home bills, saving on fossil fuel usage and saving the planet at the same time. There are multiple solutions we can implement to reduce our energy consumption in the home.

For example, you might invest in better home insulation for greater heating efficiency or purchase energy saving home devices. The most effective change we can make is to reduce our energy consumption in general, by consciously making an effort to use less electricity, heating, water, and so on.

But it isn’t always that straightforward to know where to start with energy saving. So, how should you go about bringing those energy bills down for your home?

To start saving energy, you can make a few quick and easy changes to your habits around the home. For example, you can reduce your electricity consumption by turning your devices off when you’re not using them, rather than simply leaving them on standby.

If you’re buying new home devices that run on electricity, make sure you choose products that have high energy efficiency ratings. These could reduce your electricity consumption by up to 60%, which will mean a significant reduction in your home bills. In order to save water, you can choose to take showers rather than baths, or use a rainwater collector to contribute to your home water usage.

In terms of heating your home, improving your home insulation is a key step to reducing your energy consumption and improving your energy efficiency. Make sure you turn off your heating when you’re away from home and place your heating system on a timer so that it’s only generating heat when you actually need it in the home.

For smart home heating, install a thermostat to regulate and reduce your energy consumption for heating.

Did you know that installing a Netatmo Smart Thermostat can effectively reduce your home energy consumption and help you save on your heating bills? You can remotely control, adjust and program your home heating setup from your smartphone or tablet. Plus, it’s very easy to install!

Keep an eye on your home heating - it’s a key source of energy consumption

Heating is one of the biggest culprits for racking up those home energy bills! So, to reduce them, it’s important to make your home heating system as energy efficient as possible. Here’s a few tips to save on those bills:

  • Turn off your heating when you’re not using specific rooms, or when you’re away from home
  • Don’t overdo it on your home heating: keep bedrooms around 16 degrees and living rooms around 19 degrees
  • Install a thermostat to better regulate your home heating
  • Optimise your home heating by regularly checking and servicing your boiler and radiators

Our advice on saving energy

All in all, small changes in your home habits can significantly reduce your energy consumption and your energy bills.

If you’re looking to invest in wider solutions, improve your home insulation to increase your energy efficiency and invest in an energy saving boiler.

Simple changes to reduce your home energy consumption can reduce your energy bills and also, importantly, your impact on the environment.

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