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Thanks to Netatmo, Yr, the Norwegian Weather public service, can give more accurate forecasts for 5 countries!

Temperature readings are updated every hour rather than every six hours, geographically they are six times more precise and major temperature errors are cut in half… This is the revolution Yr is bringing to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland thanks to the Netatmo weather community!

Every day, the weather influences every decision we make. From how we dress - do you put a scarf on, a light coat or do you take an umbrella? To how we get around - by car, subway or bike? The weather also has impacts that affect us collectively - like the economy during severe snowstorms - and individually - like our health during heat waves. While these are only a handful of examples, it shows how essential understanding the weather is to our daily lives.

Yet, despite its importance, the weather forecast is not always reliable.

Ultralocal data to improve weather forecasts

From ancient fortunetellers to today's computer programs, the method and accuracy of weather forecasts have steadily improved. Computer science has notably made spectacular progress - Météo France's 5-day forecast is now as reliable as the 3-day forecast 20 years ago!

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Today, scientists use new methods to improve weather forecasts. In the same way computers revolutionized meteorology years ago, now the use of ultralocal data provided by weather stations such as the Netatmo Smart Weather Station improves weather predictions.

Why is the accuracy of weather forecasts so important?

Because we often underestimate the indirect effects the weather has on a country’s economy. According to the US Department of Commerce, 70% of the economy is weather sensitive. Being able to predict the weather more precisely can help companies react better: for example, companies transporting people or goods can be more responsive to degrading weather conditions. They can adapt their delivery schedule, or set up a new organization.

By integrating ultralocal data to calculate forecasts, communities can better anticipate weather phenomena. For example, the more accurate a temperature forecast is, the better the public can anticipate ice and snow. Thus the population is better informed, and can choose to take public transport rather than their motorbike or bike. Communities can also plan for road gritters to grit the roads which helps prevent traffic jams and accidents. Energy distribution services can more accurately anticipate the amount of energy needed to heat a city or department.

Netatmo, the largest community of Weather Stations

Netatmo has created the Personal Weather Station so everyone can benefit from precise, reliable and ultralocal weather data. Thanks to its extensive network of weather stations around the world, Netatmo has built the largest community to track real-time weather in more than 170 countries. The Weathermap is a freely accessibly map that incorporates the weather stations of users who share their external data. Netatmo created this community to have a global impact and help everyone plan for better tomorrows.

Each member of the Netatmo community contributes to improving the weather forecast and can help their neighbor better understand the weather and their environment.

Netatmo improves Yr weather forecast with ultralocal weather data

Today, thanks to all its community’s contributors, Netatmo improves the weather forecast of Yr, the Norwegian public weather service. Yr’s weather forecasts are now more accurate for Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland. Thanks to Netatmo’s community, the largest weather station network, people’s lives are not only better, but Yr’s forecasts are also more accurate: updates now come every hour versus every six hours as before. In winter, major temperature errors (over 3°C) are halved. Finally, geographic accuracy is multiplied by more than 6!

The Netatmo community has two advantages over conventional weather observation networks. Its amount of users allows it to provide a larger volume of data. Its geographical coverage is also wider, with weather stations in places far away from official weather stations.

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Jørn Kristiansen, Director of the Development Centre for Weather Forecasting at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute thinks using weather stations such as Netatmo’s is "just the beginning of a development that can revolutionize the weather forecast".

Together we can continue to improve weather forecasts

Each new weather station and each new user agreeing to share their external data helps grow the community and further contributes to improving forecasts. Everyone can have a global impact simply by measuring weather data in front of his home. To display your data on the Weathermap, simply go to the "settings" menu on the app, select the name of your station, scroll down to the "Contribute to the Weathermap" item and ensure that the button is set to "Yes" for the "Contribute to the Weathermap" item.

You too can be part of Netatmo’s community and allow everyone to plan for better tomorrows. You can now check the Weathermap and learn more about our Weather Station (for example, did you know that it will alert you if your indoor air quality is bad?)!

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