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Is your kitchen a source of indoor pollution?

Let's get straight to the point: cooking can be a source of indoor pollution, as can be cleaning. This is because it emits pollutants that cause pollution, affecting the indoor air quality of your home. Did you ever think of that? However, this is what several studies have shown. What's at stake? VOCs (volatile organic compounds), fine particles, and other substances and pollutants that are harmful to health.

A major source of indoor pollution that is too often underestimated

As you know, the air inside your house is often much more polluted than the air outside. Indeed, various harmful gases affect the air quality volatile organic compounds degrade healthy air and many fine particles cause health problems.
Unfortunately, the kitchen is one of the major causes of indoor pollution that probably haunts your home.

Cleaning up is often a cause of indoor pollution, this is beginning to sink into most minds. But the same applies to the kitchen because of the volatile organic compounds and fine particles associated with it.
What are the risks of indoor pollution from cooking? The same as any indoor air pollution: allergies, eye irritation, asthma… and many other pleasures.

So it is important to monitor the level of air pollution and therefore the air quality in your home. Take the appropriate measures and fight against this disease that can quickly damage your health!

The kitchen is a significant source of indoor air pollution. Control your indoor air quality with the Netatmo Smart Weather Station and take the necessary steps to clean up your indoor air: more regular airing, a better ventilation system, a more responsible choice of products! Fight against indoor air pollution.

Household appliances involved in kitchen pollution

The most polluting and harmful substances in the kitchen are emitted by household appliances such as ovens and toasters. American researchers from the University of Colorado at Boulder showed in a study in 2019 that these appliances emit a lot of fine particles, CO2 and VOCs. Although they were aware of the indoor pollution caused by kitchens, they had no idea how serious the situation was.

The researchers, therefore, roasted a turkey with vegetables for the experiment mentioned above. The levels of fine particles measured in the atmosphere of the house afterward were higher than those of the Indian city of New Delhi, which is one of the most polluted cities in the world! All this for a turkey.
But the wind didn't blow back immediately, and that's the whole problem with indoor fine-particle pollution. The level of indoor air pollution remained above the World Health Organisation (WHO) guideline of 10 micrograms for more than 8 hours.
Worrying, isn't it?

Indeed, they even had to recalibrate their measuring equipment to continue the experiment. This study has helped to encourage kitchen and household appliance brands to create products that are more environmentally friendly, healthier, and cleaner for the home.

These results should also alert the public to the harmful effects of kitchen appliances on indoor air.
But these polluting devices are not the only ones responsible for the situation. It can also be noted that charred food is responsible for indoor pollution, as well as gas flames, cooking oils, or animal fat.
To sum up, perhaps the smell is tempting and your mouth is watering as the meal is about to be served… but this is certainly also the moment when the air you breathe is the most polluted (sorry to spoil this exquisite moment).

Thanks to the Netatmo Smart Weather Station you are taking the first step towards reducing indoor air pollution in your home. The more reliable information you have, the better you will be able to get rid of fine particles, VOCs, and other pollutants emitted from the kitchen. To stop indoor pollution, we must first know and measure it.

How to fight indoor pollution found in kitchens?

There is no secret to getting rid of indoor air pollution and getting healthy air again, whatever the cause you want to combat. Airing at least 10-15 minutes in the morning and evening, get a ventilation system efficient and permanent, choose household and kitchen products and kitchen products that respect the environment as well as your home and your health.

But above all, remember to air the room and, if possible, the whole house after cooking. Now is the time to let out the gases, pollutants, and fine particles that have formed during cooking and that may pollute the rest of the house afterward.
The advice you hear and see everywhere works perfectly to prevent the kitchen from becoming a major source of indoor pollution and producing the indoor air pollution in our home.
Of course, we can't advise you to stop cooking! The idea is to do better, with healthier products, clean the room without polluting it, and ensure sufficient air renewal.

Indoor air pollution occurs everywhere in the home, even during activities that we do not suspect of having a negative effect, even when we clean up. So consider measuring indoor air quality with a suitable device, while limiting the pollutants that cause indoor pollution: VOCs, gases such as CO2, fine particles, etc. The most important thing is to renew the air in your home regularly and use environmentally friendly cleaning products.

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