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Security camera installation: how can you make sure you’re getting it just right?

The good news is that your home will soon have some smart security installed: your new surveillance cameras will make your home much safer. All you need to do is get them wired up and ready to go! But, that can be a bit of a baffling process. More of us are opting for a DIY approach in our homes and small businesses; that could definitely be your plan to install your new CCTV security cameras. Some cameras will have easier installation processes than others, and there are a few key points you’ll need to bear in mind to get all the benefits of your home security system. So, how do you go about getting your security surveillance cameras ready to use? Read on for a few handy tips and tricks.

First thing’s first: are wired security cameras or a wireless system the right option for your home?

Before you go ahead with any type of security system installation, you need to think about whether wired or wireless security cameras are right for your home.

If you think wired CCTV cameras are the best option for your home security system, you might well need a professional installation service to set them up in your home.

These experts will be able to get your new security cameras wired up to your home’s power system, ensuring the cameras are fully installed and ready to use.

But, if your new video surveillance installation will be using wireless security cameras, you might be able to install them yourself.

If that’s the case, read on for a few handy tips that will help your home security installation go as smoothly as possible.

Connecting your wireless security cameras to your Internet network

Wireless security installations are becoming an increasingly popular option because they’re so flexible.

Unlike wired security cameras, wireless systems can give you live updates on your home security via an app downloaded to your smart devices.

Wireless security cameras are also much easier to install in your home. You’ll just need to attach your new surveillance cameras to strategic points on your property, then link your new CCTV system up to your home’s WiFi network.

Once you’ve got the WiFi connection for your security cameras set up and running, you’ll just need to download the corresponding app onto your smart devices.

You’ll be able to configure the alerts you’ll receive if an intruder enters your home, or if your security cameras detect anything suspicious.

Plus, you may also be able to control your smart security installations remotely. This will allow you to view and manage your home security while you’re at work, or even away on holiday.

Now to a question that people often wonder about: should your home CCTV security cameras be clearly visible to potential intruders?

Some research conducted has shown that visible security cameras can actually act as an effective deterrent for potential burglars.

So, it’s wise to make sure at least a few of your CCTV surveillance cameras are well in view on your home, to ensure that they have maximum impact.

How should you choose the locations for your home surveillance cameras?

It’s obviously important to position your new CCTV security cameras within good range of your home’s WiFi connection.

But, there are some other key points to bear in mind that you might not have considered yet.

For one thing, it’s always a good idea to position one of your home surveillance cameras so that it records footage of your front door.

You might think that intruders or burglars wouldn’t choose to break and enter through your home’s front door, as it’s too obvious a choice. But, this entry point is actually a pretty popular option.

So, remember to position one of the new cameras in your security system so that it will get footage of your home’s main entrance.

Below you’ll find several further tips for positioning your new home security cameras in the best locations to keep your home safe. Try to ensure that your security cameras are:

  • Within strong range of your home’s WiFi system
  • At the right angle to provide you with the security video images you want to record in your home
  • Covering all vulnerable potential entry points (such as front and back doors, lower floor windows, garden gates, garages, etc.)
  • Recording footage of blind spots that might make your home more vulnerable to burglaries
  • Have the right recording angle to cover strategic areas for motion detection, so you can be alerted if there are intruders on your property
  • Positioned out of reach (this will stop potential thieves from removing them before entering your home)
  • Avoiding glare from other light sources, as these might affect the quality of the surveillance images (street lamps, for example, or intense sources of natural light)
  • Not pointing towards or recording any images of public highways

It is illegal for individuals to make recordings of public highways, so watch out for this last point!

If you’re installing outdoor surveillance cameras for your home, you just need to make sure that your surveillance system cameras are not pointing towards (or recording any images of) public highways.

Also, another quick point about your cameras’ motion detection: normally, experts advise installing your home security cameras at a slight downward angle to optimise their motion detection capabilities.

Installing your security cameras at home

If you’ve opted for a wireless home security system, installing your new security camera system should be fairly straightforward.

Simply follow the included instructions to attach your surveillance cameras to the exterior walls of your home at the locations you’ve selected (need tips on this? See the previous section.)

Most smart security cameras can be easily attached with just a few screws.

All you need to do is attach your new surveillance system to your walls and then check the images they’re recording, to make sure you’ve angled your new cameras correctly.

All Netatmo smart home security products, including Netatmo’s Smart Cameras, are designed with easy use and easy installation in mind. So, our security cameras are easy to install – even if you’re not a real a DIY-er!

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